Press Release: BOV and Esplora Prioritising Hidden Disabilities


10th December 2020

BOV and Esplora Prioritising Hidden Disabilities


Bank of Valletta is fully supporting the setting up of a Multi-Sensory room at the Esplora Interactive Science Centre  through an agreement between the Bank and the Malta Council for Science and Technology.


Multi-Sensory environments are specifically designed spaces that empower people with a disability to make the most out of a learning experience through  fun and relaxation through sensory experiences for therapy learning. Population groups that benefit greatly from the use of a Multi-Sensoryroom include peoplewith Alzheimer’s disease, AutismSpectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome,Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia, and Epilepsy. According to the World Health Organisation, “over one billion people – accounting for about 15% of the global population – live with some form of disability and this number is increasing.”[1]


Esplora already embraces peopleliving with a disability by providing a fully accessible visitor experience. It trains its entire staff, through EsplorAware, to be more aware of the meaning and added value of inclusion and accessibility and to learn how to interact with persons living with a disability. Autism Friendly hours are normally held once a month on Sundays, whereby Esplora’s operations are adjusted by lowering the volume and softening the lights to allow adults and children with Autisim to enjoy their visit in a quieter ambience. During these hours fidget toys, ear defenders and weighted blankets are also provided if needed. Esplora has also introduced the Sunflower Lanyard Scheme which discreetly indicates to people around you including staff, colleagues and health professionals that you may need additional support, help or a little more time. Such lanyards may be accessible from Esplora reception.


Works on this project have already started. MCST will be transforming a 4.5m by 2.6m enclosure into a Multi-Sensory room. The room will contain an array of lighting effects, such as projectors with wheels that emit light patterns throughout the room, bubble lamps, spotlights, star panels, fiber optics, UV lights and mirror balls. Tactile experiences such as touching surfaces with changing textures will be incorporated in an interactive tactile wall panel.


This relaxing and explorative experience will be provided under the guidance of an enabler, a trained Esplora Science Communicator who will follow and support the activity without influencing the visitors’ choices.


This is a project which can be enjoyed by people with different abilities, who can benefit from the use of a sensory room to process thoughts and emotions in a  situation which could otherwise become overwhelming.

In his speech, Dr. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, MCST Executive Chairman said: “Esplora offers an inclusive and accessible environment for people with different abilities. This new project is the continuation of a series of related initiatives already being taken at Esplora.” He emphasised the importance of enabling people with different abilities to make the most out of their visit at Esplora. Dr. Pullicino Orlando thanked BOV for their support on the project.

“Bank of Valletta is delighted to participate in this project that further enhances the unique experiences already offered at Esplora,” said Charles Azzopardi, Executive PR and Marketing at Bank of Valletta. “As a Bank at the heart of the Maltese Community, we have the responsibility to promote the inclusion of our differences as well as provide a small haven for those who most need it.”


In his closing remarks the Hon. Owen Bonnici, Minister for Research, Innovation and the Coordination of Post COVID-19 Strategy explained that: “A multisensory room is described as being a therapeutic environment created for the express purpose of delivering high levels of stimuli to patients with dementia – a private room displays optical illusions with combined lighting effects, aromas, colours, textures and sounds to stimulate a person’s olfactory, auditory and gustatory systems. Sensory spaces have been shown to decrease negative behaviours and improve student engagement.”


Issued by Bank of Valletta p.l.c., 58, Triq San Zakkarija, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1130.  Bank of Valletta p.l.c. is a public limited company regulated by the MFSA and is licensed to carry out the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371 of the Laws of Malta).



Left to Right:
Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, MCST Executive Chairman
Hon. Owen Bonnici, Minister for Research, Innovation and the Coordination of the COVID-19 Strategy
Mr Charles Azzopardi, Executive PR and Marketing at Bank of Valletta


10 ta’  Diċembru 2020

Il-BOV u l-Esplora jipprijoratizzaw id-Diżabilitajiet Moħbija


Il-Bank of Valletta jagħti sapport liċ-Ċentru Esplora fl-iżvilupp ta’ kamra Multi-Sensorja, permezz ta’ ftehim li daħal fis-seħħ illum mal-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija.


Ambjenti multi-sensorji huma intiżi u ddisinjati speċifikament sabiex jinkuraġġixxu persuni ta’ kull abilità jużawhom u jesplorawhom permezz tas-sensi kolha tagħhom. Barra minn dan, dawn il-kmamar huma wkoll ta’ għajnuna kbira għall-persuni b’diżabilitajiet severi sabiex jiskopru aktar id-dinja ta’ madwarhom b’mod sigur u ta’ pjaċir, jirilassaw u jitgħallmu jifhmu u jikkomunikaw b’mod aktar effettiv. Dawn il-kmamar jintużaw minn persuni bil marda tal-Alzheimer, dawk li huma fuq l-ispettru tal-Awtiżmu, dawk li jbagħtu bil-kundizzjoni tal- Aspergers, is-Cerebral Palsy, id-Dimensja, id-Down Syndrome, id- Disleksja u l-Epilepsija. Skont l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas-Saħħa, “aktar minn biljun persuna – li jammontaw għal madwar 15% tal-popolazzjoni globali – jgħixu b’xi forma ta’ diżabilità u dan in-numru qed ikompli jiżdied.”[1]


L-Esplora diġa tħaddan mizuri favur persuni li jgħixu b’diżabilità billi, fost affarijiet ohra, tipprovdi spazju li huwa aċċessibli għal kulħadd. L-istaff kollu tal-Esplora tħarreġ f’kors apposta bl-isem ta’ EsploraAware, sabiex jifhem aħjar xi tfisser l-inklużjoni u l-aċċessibilità u kif iġib ruħu ma persuni li jgħixu b’ xi forma ta’ diżabilità. Kull ahharĦadd tax-xahar, Esplora jħejji l-Autism Friendly Hours, fejn isir xi tibdil fl-operat ta’ ġewwa l-Esplora sabiex tfal u adulti newrodiversi jkunu jistgħu jesploraw u jgawdu dak li ċ-ċentru interattiv għandu x’joffri f’atmosfera aktar kwieta. Jingħataw fidget toys, ear defenders u weighted blankets għal min ikollu bżonn. Barra minn hekk, Esplora wkoll introduċa l-iskema tas-Sunflower Lanyard li tiddistingwi b’mod sottili,  lil dawk li jeħtieġu aktar għajnuna.


Fid-diskors tiegħu ċ-Ċermen Eżekuttiv tal-MCST, Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando qal: “l-Esplora joffri ambjent inklussiv u aċċessibli għall-persuni b’abbilitajiet differenti. Dan il-proġett ġdid se jkompli ma’ serje ta’ inizzjattivi relatati li diġa qed isiru l-Esplora.” Huwa saħaq kemm huwa importanti li nkomplu naħdmu sabiex persuni b’kapaċitajiet differenti jagħmlu l-aħjar użu miż-żjara tagħhom l-Esplora. Dr Pullicino Orlando rringrazzja lil BOV għas-sapport li Esplora rċieva ghal dan il-proġett.

Ix-xogħolijiet fuq il-proġett diġa bdew. L-MCST se jkun qed jitrasforma spazju ta’ 4.5m b’ 2.6m f’kamra Multi-Sensorjali. Il-kamra se tkun mgħammra bl-effetti tad-dwal, bl-użu ta’ projector li juri forom tad-dwal mal-kamra, lampi bl-effetti tal-bżieżaq, spotlights, panelli tal-istillel, fibre optics u dwal tal-ultraviolet. F’din il-kamra, il-viżitaturi se jkunu jistgħu jużaw is-sensi kollha: il-ħars permezz ta’ dawl ikkulurit, is-smigħ permezz ta’ ħsejjes rilassanti, li jħossu permezz ta’ materjali differenti u x-xamm permezz ta’ rwejjaħ differenti f’ħajt interattiv.

Din l-esperjenza rilassanti u esplorattiva se tkun possibli taħt il-gwida tal- Komunikaturi tax-Xjenza tal-Esplora, mħarrġa apposta sabiex isegwu l-attività tal-viżitaturi mingħajr ma’ jinfluenzaw l-għażliet tagħhom.


Is-Sur Charles Azzopardi, Eżekuttiv tar-Relazzjonijiet Pubbliċi u l-Marketing il-Bank of Valleta qal: “Il-Bank of Valletta jinsab kuntent ħafna li qed jipparteċipa f’dan il-proġett li jkompli jsaħħaħ l-esperjenzi uniċi li diġa huma offruti l-Esplora.” Huwa żied jgħid li “Bħala bank fil-qalb tal-Komunità Maltija, għandna r- responsabbiltà li nippromwovu l-inklużjoni tad-differenzi tagħna, kif ukoll nipprovdu kenn żgħir għal min l-aktar li għandu bżonn.”


Fid-diskors tal-għeluq tiegħu l-Onorevoli Owen Bonnici, Ministru għar-Riċerka, Innovazzjoni u l-koordinazzjoni tal-iStrateġija wara Covid-19 spjega li: “Kamra multi-sensorja hija deskritta bħala ambjent terapewtiku maħluq għall-iskop ewlieni li jwassal livelli għoljin ta’ stimoli sabiex itejjeb l-għixien ta’ min jagħmel użu minnhom – kamra privata li turi illużjonijiet ottiċi b’effetti ta’ dawl, aromi, kuluri u ħsejjes ikkombinati biex tistimula x-xamm, is-smigħ u t-togħma. Ġie skopert li spazji sensorjali jnaqqsu mġieba negattivi u jtejbu l-involviment tal-individwi li jagħmlu użu minnhom.”



This article was last updated on: December 11, 2020