JPI Oceans

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About JPI Oceans in brief

JPI Oceans ( The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans) is a pan-European intergovernmental platform that increases the efficiency and impact of research and innovation for sustainably healthy and productive seas and oceans.

By joining forces, JPI Oceans focuses on long-term collaboration between EU Member States, Associated Countries and international partners. The member states’ national strategies and priorities are the main building blocks for a joint Strategy Framework to address marine and maritime issues including complex ocean-related societal challenges that cannot be solved at national level. Through strategic alignment, JPI Oceans augments the impact of national investments by enabling collaborative activities.

The central implementation mechanism of JPI Oceans is that of Joint Actions. They are formed around topics that fall under JPI Oceans’ thematic scope and contribute to its goals. They are supported by the interest and commitment of several member or associated countries under the leadership of one or co-leadership of several member countries and have developed a concept for implementation, including plans for resourcing, outcomes and impact.

Malta is currently supporting the following JPI Oceans activities:


This article was last updated on: March 21, 2024