Blue Carbon

Home Blue Carbon

In April 2023, following a one-year scoping process, the JPI Oceans Management Board adopted Blue Carbon as a new Joint Action, with Ireland as lead and France as co-lead. The Joint Action will look at reducing uncertainties, sharing knowledge, and developing the management tools required to optimise the climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience benefits of blue carbon. Specifically, it aims at generating quantitative knowledge about habitat extent and characteristics to support carbon removal action and policies, e.g., CO2 storage potential maps.  As a first step, the Joint Action will develop a platform and network to facilitate the synthesis, exchange, and integration of knowledge on blue carbon ecosystems across Europe, including the Outermost Regions and Overseas Territories. A joint call is foreseen later.

During the Autumn JPI Oceans management board meeting 2022, MCST expressed interest to participate in this Scoping Action and has since nominated Maltese experts to be part of the expert group to write the concept paper and to actively participate in this Joint Action.

Further information click here.

This article was last updated on: November 2, 2023