Malta App Challenge Launched at Eurisy Conference

The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) with the support of the Ministry of Education and Employment and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Research Innovation, Youth and Sport, together with Eurisy, an association of European space agencies, co-organised a high-profile conference entitled ‘Satellite Solutions for Smarter Islands’on the 12th November at Le Meridien, St. Julians. With the participation of high profile entities, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the European GNSS Agency and the Space Policy Directorate of the European Commission, the conference discussed how island economies can leverage Europe’s investments in satellite services to boost their economy and live up to current challenges. Islands can be real labs for such ICT-driven innovation. Case studies from private and public sectors will exhibit the potential of satellite applications in various sectors such as tourism, transport and maritime.

During the conference, MCST in collaboration with MITA and MEPA launched an App Challenge and invited competitors to come up with creative ideas for apps that help solve environmental and socio-economic challenges in Malta. This aims at raising awareness about the potential of exploiting open data, including European satellite datasets over Malta, for the benefit of Maltese citizens. More information at

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This article was last updated on: April 5, 2017