
ERC Support Scheme

June 21, 2021|Funding Opportunities, MCST News | 2 Min Read

The Malta Council for Science and Technology is managing the ERC Support Scheme. The Scheme aims to strengthen the opportunities for talented researchers to obtain grants from the European Research […]

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Perception on Internet of Things (IoT) amongst Maltese Businesses

June 17, 2021|MCST News | 1 Min Read

Previous years have seen massive attention around the Internet of Things (IoT) but have brought little knowledge of its adoption among Maltese businesses. It is evident that the IoT is […]

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Press Release: Memento

June 16, 2021|MCST News | 6 Min Read
R&D project leads to the creation of a new camera-related technology to capture high-speed events from concurrent and multiple perspectives A four-year long joint research and development project bringing together [...]
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ERA-Net BlueBio Cofund – Call 2021 Pre-Announcement + Brokerage Event

May 31, 2021|MCST News | 2 Min Read

Overview In general projects should explore innovative, yet sustainable and climate-friendly utilisation of aquatic biomass at different trophic levels, as well as sustainable harvesting, and novel aquaculture production systems targeting […]

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Fusion Technology Development Programme 2021 Call

May 24, 2021|MCST News | 1 Min Read
Fusion Technology Development Programme 2021 Call The Malta Council for Science and Technology would like to announce that it is currently receiving project proposals under the FUSION Technology Development Programme. [...]
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May 3, 2021|MCST News | 2 Min Read
  The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is receiving proposals under the Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus (IPAS+). The Scheme is divided into two options. Applicants are to [...]
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Webinar on R&I opportunities for SMEs and Start-ups

April 28, 2021|MCST News | 1 Min Read

The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) has teamed up with to deliver an informative event on the importance of Research and Innovation (R&I) and the MCST funding […]

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Space Research Fund 2021 : Call OPEN

April 22, 2021|MCST News | 2 Min Read
The Malta Council for Science and Technology would like to announce that it is now receiving proposals under the Space Research Fund 2021. All relevant documentation is available on the Space [...]
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COVID-19 R&D Fund: Four projects receive research funding for infectious diseases solutions

April 21, 2021|MCST News | 8 Min Read

Four research projects seeking solutions for infectious diseases have benefitted from the COVID-19 R&D Fund, which is being administered by the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and Malta Enterprise. The COVID-19 […]

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FUSION R&I: Research Excellence & Infectious Diseases Programmes 2021 Calls Info Event

April 20, 2021|MCST News | 2 Min Read
An Information Event on the Research Excellence Programme and the Infectious Diseases Programme 2021 Calls will be held in order to provide an overview on these two calls which are [...]
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