An open invitation to business, academia and public sector representatives

The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) would like to extend an open invitation to business, academia and public sector representatives to attend the following Focus Groups aimed at addressing current proposals for ERDF funding under Priority Axis I:

Focus Group on High Value Added Manufacturing

2 September 9 am-3 pm, Malta Enterprise, Pieta’

Focus Group on Tourism

9 September 9 am-3 pm, MCST, Kalkara

Focus Group on Health

10 September 9 am-3 pm, MCST, Kalkara

Horizontal Focus Group on R&I Support & Education

1 October, MCST, Kalkara

Session 1: 10 am-1 pm

Session 2: 2 pm-5 pm

Interested parties are requested to register at least two days before the meeting date, by sending an email

Kindly note that registration is compulsory.

Due to space limitations and also to ensure a fair representation, attendance is limited to two members per organisation.

Further information can be obtained by calling MCST on 23602126.

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This article was last updated on: April 4, 2017