
Home BlueMissionMed

The Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030 provides a holistic and coherent framework for developing a systemic approach to the depollution and regeneration of the basin hydrosphere, which is a striking need in the Mediterranean Sea (MED).

In the BlueMissionMed project, a multi-actor, trans-sectorial and multidisciplinary consortium, consisting of 6 R&I public institutions, 6 NGOs, 2 industrial associations and 2 SMEs from 5 Member States and 2 Associated Countries of the MED, proposes to set up, structure and empower a MED Lighthouse supporting the development and deployment of transformative innovative technological, social, business and governance solutions for ensuring a 30-50% reduction of pollution of the basin hydrosphere by 2030. It will be an interactive multi-actor digital platform able to offer to all MED Countries/Regions and stakeholders to access the necessary knowledge and tools. It will build on, connect and structure existing initiatives and activities, including the 9 national hubs of the Pilot BLUEMED on plastics free healthy MED and will exploit the R&I and policy knowledge generated by the funded projects/initiatives on the MED decontamination and restoration, ultimately promoting basin-wide cooperation, commitment and deployment of solutions addressing the Mission objectives. The BlueMissionMed CSA will also ensure:

  • coherence, alignment and monitoring of EU, national and local policies, initiatives and actions ongoing the MED basin;
  • an effective provision of technical services, governance and business models to support and guarantee a sustainable socio-economic development of the basin;
  • a well-functioning basin scale innovation ecosystem attractive towards investors and businesses;
  • the required engagement of the society at large, thanks to a robust awareness raising and citizen science approach in its implementation in the sea basin and beyond; the effective deployment of Mission Implementation Charter and piloting of the Mission objectives for the MED by 2025.


Funded by the European Union through its Horizon Europe Program, Grant No. 101094073 (BlueMissionMed). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the granting authority, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.  

Click here to download the project presentation.

Copyright notice: © 2022 – 2025 BlueMissionMed project

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This article was last updated on: July 5, 2024