MEUSAC – Public Debate – Innovative Industries

Home MEUSAC – Public Debate – Innovative Industries



Għid tiegħek dwar l-Ewropa
Industriji Innovattivi




Il-MEUSAC, flimkien mal-Ministeru għall-Affarijiet Ewropej u l-Ugwaljanza, qegħdin jistednuk għat-tielet minn serje ta’ konsultazzjonijiet maċ-ċittadini ‘Għid tiegħek dwar l-Ewropa’. Il-laqgħa li jmiss se tiffoka fuq il-futur tal-industrija f’Malta u fl-UE. Rappreżentanti minn setturi varji tal-industrija lokali huma mħeġġa jattendu u jieħdu sehem fid-diskussjoni.


Il-konsultazzjoni se ssir fit-12 ta’ Settembru, 2018, fl-MCAST – Institute of Business Management and Commerce, Triq il-Baċir, Paola, u tibda fis-6pm.


Jekk tixtieq tattendi, inti mitlub tirriserva post billi tibgħat email fuq jew iċċempel fuq 2200 3300.


Iktar informazzjoni tinsab hawn.


Dear Sir/Madam,


MEUSAC and the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality invite you to the third in a series of citizens’ consultations, ‘Għid tiegħek dwar l-Ewropa’. The consultation will be focusing on innovation as a vital element for the future of industry in Malta and the EU. Representatives of different sectors of the local industry will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns on the various challenges they come across.


The consultation session will be held on September 12, 2018, at MCAST – Institute of Business Management and Commerce, Triq il-Baċir, Paola and starts at 6pm.


The proceedings of the session will be held in Maltese, but interventions can be done in English.


To register for the event, kindly send an email on or contact us on 2200 3300.


More information can be found here.


This article was last updated on: September 5, 2018