Following the proposal of the Action Plan for the Health and Well-being Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) and after several consultations between Xjenza Malta (formerly known as the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST)) and the Cancer Research and Innovation Hub Malta (CRIHM), a dedicated thematic programme for cancer research has been designed.   The Cancer Research Programme aims to support research that might in the future help reduce the incidence of cancer, improve cancer treatment, survival, and the quality of life of cancer patients.   The Cancer Research Programme aims to support capacity-building efforts related to:

  • Molecular Research and Diagnostic Innovations
  • Community-Based Cancer Research
  • Therapeutic Development and Clinical Strategies
  • Psychosocial Support and Patient-Centred Approaches

It aims to support fundamental and translational research including genetic, pharmacogenomic, proteomics, pharmaceutical, cellular, and pre-clinical in vivo research into the causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of cancer as well as research targeting psychosocial aspects of cancer, its treatment and survival.

Programme Parameters  

If state aid is applicable, applicants are to apply under the de minimis regulation or the GBER.   The following figure summarises the different Priority Areas and Subareas for Research in Digital Technologies related to this Programme:

Information Session About This Call:  

An online information event on the Cancer Research Programme will be held to provide an overview on this call, which is another Thematic Programme for 2024.

Date: Friday 28th June 2024

Time: 13:00 – 14:30

Link to Registration Form:

More information on this funding opportunity, the eligibility criteria, the rules of participation and the application form, can be found in the attachments below:

Cancer Research Programme 2024 Application Form

Cancer Research Programme 2024 Rules Option A

Cancer Research Programme 2024 Rules Option B

The additional documentation to be submitted together with the application form for this call can be found on the MCST Resource Page here:

Documentation Change Log

Version No. Updates
V1.0 Uploading of Documents

This article was last updated on: June 20, 2024