MCST  launches Horizon Europe’s new work programmes

MCST  launches Horizon Europe’s new work programmes


The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) today announced the funding opportunities available in the new work programme for 2023 – 2024 during a Horizon Europe Information Session which was held at Villa Bighi, Kalkara.

During a full day event, participants met the National Contact Points (NCPs) team and could learn about the support schemes and the services MCST provides to help in tapping funding from Horizon Europe. Through a panel discussion, successful applicants representing the academic and the non-academic sectors shared their success stories. They also had the opportunity to attend the parallel sessions which were shaped according to the participants’ interests and focused on specific areas of the programme.

MCST Senior Director Strategy, Research and Technical Affairs, Ms. Ruth Debrincat said: “In our pursuit to leverage more Horizon Europe funds, our support schemes are an investment to develop further our local cohort of researchers be they academic, industry or public sector actors.” She added that while an increased interest in the schemes is anticipated, she encourages more take-up in such schemes.”

Horizon Europe is the largest and most ambitious EU programme for Research and Innovation, with a budget of more than EUR 95 billion for 7 years. In the recent calls, Maltese entities have participated very actively in the programme and have received nearly EU 15 million in funding since the beginning of the programme.

Horizon Europe programme consist of three main pillars: Excellent ScienceGlobal challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, and Innovative Europe. It aims to promote excellence, provide valuable support to top researchers, and help innovators drive the systematic changes needed to ensure a green, healthy, and resilient Europe. Furthermore, the programme has new instruments such as Missions and Partnerships.

For more information on Horizon Europe, the general public is invited to visit the webpage or contact the Horizon Europe team by email on


L-MCST tniedi l-programmi ġodda ta’ xogħol ta’ Horizon Europe


Il-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (l-MCST) illum nieda l-programmi ġodda ta’ fondi ta’ xogħol għar-Riċerka u l-Innovazzjoni ta’ Horizon Europe għall-2023 u 2024 waqt sezzjoni ta’ informazzjoni li seħħet ġewwa Villa Bighi, il-Kalkara.

Il-parteċipanti kellhom l-opportunità li jiltaqgħu man-National Contact Points team fejn permezz tagħhom setgħu jiskopru dwar l-iskemi ta’ sapport u s-servizzi li tipprovdi l-MCST sabiex tgħin fil-ksib ta’ fondi minn Horizon Europe. Benefiċarji li diġa ggwadanjaw mill-fondi, qasmu l-esperjenza tagħhom waqt diskussjoni fuq panel. Il-parteċipanti kellhom l-opportunità wkoll li jattendu sezzjonijiet parallelli li ġew imfassla skont l-interessi tagħhom u ffukaw fuq oqsma speċifiċi tal-programm.

Is-Senior Director tal-iStrateġija, ir-Riċerka u l-Affarijiet Tekniċi tal-MCST, is-Sa Ruth Debrincat qalet: “Fil-ħidma tagħna biex niksbu aktar fondi mil-programm Horizon Europe, l-iskemi tagħna ta’ sapport huma investiment fir-riċerkaturi lokali, kemm jekk ġejjin mis-settur akkademiku, mill-industrija jew mis-settur pubbliku.” Hija żiedet tgħid li filwaqt li qiegħda tiġi antiċipata żieda fl-interess tal-iskemi, tinkoraġġixxi aktar sehem fi skemi bħal din.”

Horizon Europe huwa l-iktar programm ambizzjuż għar-riċerka u l-innovazzjoni mressaq mill-UE b’budget ta’ €95.5 biljun għal seba’ snin. Fis-sejħiet riċenti, entitajiet Maltin ipparteċipaw b’mod attiv ħafna u rnexxielhom jiksbu madwar €15-il miljun ewro sa mill-bidu tal-programm.

Il-programm Horizon Europe jikkonsisti minn tliet pilastri ewlenin: Excellent ScienceGlobal challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, u Innovative Europe. L-għan tal-programm huwa li jippromwovi l-eċċellenza, li jipprovdi appoġġ siewi lill-aqwa riċerkaturi, kif ukoll li jgħin lill-innovaturi sabiex jixprunaw dawk il-bidliet sistematiċi tant meħtieġa ħalli nassiguraw Ewropa ekoloġika, b’saħħitha u reżiljenti. Barra minn hekk, il-programm fih strumenti ġodda bħalma huma l-Missions u l-Partnerships.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, il-pubbliku huwa mitlub li jżur is-sit jew jikkuntattja lit-tim ta’ Horizon Europe permezz tal-imejl

This article was last updated on: January 13, 2023