Call for Ideas towards Start-Up Actions for a PlAstic fRee heAlthy MeDIterranean SEa (PARADISE Call)


The Malta Council for Science and Technology would like to announce the call for Ideas towards Start-Up Actions for a PlAstic fRee heAlthy meDIterranean SEa – PARADISE.


The call is aimed at Enabling Research in Plastics in a Circular Economy Context, it is intended to support applicant entities seeking to escalate the activities to explore new ideas, methods and innovations that can bring changes in the manufacturing/imports/distribution, consumption patterns and life cycle of plastics. This will enable the participants to generate their ideas and carry out the necessary preparatory activities that may lead to an enhanced project proposal for Horizon Europe calls based on any actions they wish to carry out locally and may include activities overseas.

Participants need to consult the Terms of Reference applicable – State Aid or Non- State Aid and are required to submit the application form and corresponding annexes.

Correctly-filled applications should be submitted by 1800hrs on 6th November 2020 to Late applications will not be considered.


PARADISE Call Documents (click on below text to download the respective document):


PARADISE SUA Call 2020 Results:

Applicant Number_ Name Surname Ranking Outcome (Funds Requested)
PRD002_Juan Jose Bonello 1 Funded (€ 35,000.00)
PRD003 2 Not Financed
PRD001 3 Not Financed


This article was last updated on: 18th December 2020

This article was last updated on: December 18, 2020